
Personal Narrative: Being Black And White

Decent Essays

Too black for the White kids, yet somehow too white for the Black kids, oh the perils of a cappuccino mixed race kid. But it’s true. My life since I was young, at least younger than my eighteen year old self, has been about which group do I most fit in with. Between the four school changes over the course of twelve years, all in white suburban towns I’ve molded myself into an array of characters. “It’s not possible to be Black and White, you can only be one” this line drilled into my five year old mind as I sat on the blue bean bag, my hands fidgeting with the carpet beneath me, as I explained that I was not hispanic like the boy that sat in front of me. At that moment I thought i had to choose only one. As I walked into the lunchroom on the first day of fifth grade at my new school, I noticed the different races that sat before me. There were a handful of Asians, few hispanics and little to no other races besides the white majority. Then there were the black kids, small in …show more content…

New friendships kindled and I began to learn the way of the group, how they dressed, the must have brands, and the lingo used throughout the school. Again I made sure that I knew all the right things to fit in with the crowd to prevent myself from being “different” and judged. It was not until tenth grade when I realized that I don’t need to fit the stereotypes or expectations that others may imply on me. This decision to take a stand and become my own person first started with how I dressed. Having my own style, whether it was wearing what I wanted or following new trends that not everyone liked, I felt like I was becoming my own person. Along with my development of my style I also started to voice my opinions about topics that mattered to me. My views on the world have earned me the title of an extreme liberal among my

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