
Personal Narrative-Changing Experience

Satisfactory Essays

One day, about 8 years ago, I learned how to do something that I thought I would never be able to do. First, I never thought that I could learn to ride my bike. I had been practicing to ride my bike for about a year. The year before kindergarten, I was practicing on by bike with training wheels. I had rode on my grannies porch every day. When I started kindergarten, I could not ride my bike as often, but I would always go to my grannies after school and ride it up and down the porch. One day my granny saw me riding and said that it was about time to get a bike without training wheels. I begged her every day after that to get me a bike. She said that I had to wait until Christmas. I was mad at her. When I went to Wal-mart with her we would go and look at the bikes. I told her witch one I wanted, she said to wait until Christmas. …show more content…

I started talking to my granny, and that's when poppy came up behind me with a bike with out training wheels. I told granny that she better not let me go until I said too, she said okay. She started pushing me and before I knew it I was riding a bike all by myself. They were cheering me on, it made me feel like I was the best bike rider in the world. I got off and granny came up to me and gave me a hug and said ''Good job.'' All the rest of the day I stayed outside to ride my bike. When my mom and dad got home I told them the great news. We all went outside to watch me ride my bike. The next day, my cousin came over and we raced. I won! He said that he let me win, but I think I won fair and square. When I told Granny that I won, she said that I was a really good bike rider, since I just learned to ride a

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