
Personal Narrative Essay: Race In The United States

Decent Essays

The date is April 8, 2033. The world and the population as we knew it are gone. It all started 13 years ago when the democratic election of 2020 took place. I was just a novice reporter at the time. During Donald Trump’s speech to become re-elected there was an earthquake that opened up the earth with great magnitude and consumed him and the stage like a hamburger. The earth quickly closed up and he was gone, there were no remnants of him except for his hair.
Everyone panicked, the army and the police tried to get everyone as far away from that place as fast as possible. I got into a news helicopter and watched as the mayhem unfolded. What a coincidence, as I was in the sky I could see the CIA come in and put up a quarantine area around where the crack appeared. I …show more content…

My dad told me that this guy lives in L.A. so we took a plane all the way to California. My dad told me to stay in the car, until he made sure everything was okay. He knocked on the door and Bruce Willis answered. They acted like they knew each other, which was odd considering he is famous. But after a while of introduction and catching up my dad signaled me to come inside the house. My dad told me how they were old college buddies. My dad explained what was happening with the earth and Bruce did not seem surprised or overwhelmed. By the time my dad stopped talking, Bruce said “I know what has to be done.”
After a long night of preparation, I got out of bed the next day and went down to the kitchen but before I got down all of the steps I saw Bruce in a space suit. He said it would protect him in the magma. He said that he had to inject himself with this serum that would keep his body temperature the same. We went outside and there was a drill sitting there. He said “I will take a boat to the middle of the ocean then take the drill to the ocean floor and drill through the crust and the

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