
Personal Narrative: My New Orleans Recovery

Decent Essays

When so many people were trying to escape from New Orleans, escape this place that tore their lives apart; I was doing all I could to get in; to get into this place that I believed could put all the pieces together for me. In August of 2005, as I entered my junior year of college at LSU, I had finally realized my dream to be a cinematographer. I spent my year delving into this passion, including making many trips to my second home of New Orleans to explore all my possibilities. In July of 2006, I was ready to jump into this place that had barely even been able to blink since Katrina had devastated it. So many people were telling me this wasn’t the right time to go there. I needed to wait for more recovery to be underway. However, I believed that just by going there, I could be part of the recovery. The city needed souls; it needed people that trusted it to implement their passions. …show more content…

It was lonely. There were plenty of people but it felt like we were all lonely, all just walking around in a daze of sorts. It had been almost a year but the city was still in complete disrepair. There was a new normal set for us but to anyone outside of it, normalcy could not really be achieved. There were the day to day visuals of military hummers, X’s on the doors, refrigerators at the curb, pilings along the street of what once filled a home, trailers in the yards, sad animals roaming around with the hope of a returning owner. Curfews were still in place- this was our normal. I almost felt like I was part of this huge social experiment to see what’s life like after a disaster like this. I felt like the world was watching through this bubble. This time was difficult, but important. It was important to be there experiencing these things, growing from them and hopefully doing what we could to change this place for the

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