
Personal Narrative Of My Life After Hurricane Katrina

Satisfactory Essays

One day,I was waiting on my owner .Finally,Baylee came home and let me out.I started playing and all of a sudden a storm flooded.At that second,I was swept away by the flood water.I climed onto a near by roof.Then,I heard a walkie talkie and I looked around and I saw a lady.The lady was coming to get me.She said “hi’’ and read my tag “Bay Bay come with me.’’so I went with her and she said’’once we get to the docs you can eat and then we can find your owner!’’I barked loudly, she laughed. as we arrived I saw millions of people. I never knew that many people lived in New Orleans I thought . I heard people saying’’that I was glad to surived hurricane katrina!’’Then I reconized a face it was my owners face I heard her yelling “Bay Bay’’Bay

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