
Personal Narrative-Racial Stereotypes

Decent Essays

I have this fear of being demoted because the way I look. I’m in a constant battle with the questions, am I white or am I mexican? I have an identity crisis on my hands, and growing up those questions weren’t any of my concerns. During the duration of my experiences involving race I have been placed into stereotypes that deceive who I really am. I would look too “mexican” to wear that outfit or I would sound too “white” to learn Spanish. Racial categories are both confusing and senseless, yet is a significant part in our society.

I was waiting in line to pay for my groceries at a mexican food market with my mother and of course she left me in line, which induced my anxiety. I didn’t have any money to pay, and I didn’t speak a lick of Spanish. Palms sweaty and nervous, I put down the groceries seamlessly looking for my mom to come back. Before the cashier spoke she looked up, visibly encoding my appearance, and said something in Spanish. I wasn’t sure what to say so I said “My mom is getting a few items she forgot.” I will never forget the look on the woman’s face, like I offended her. She was probably thinking to herself “ How can this mexican girl not know Spanish, who raised you?” I have never felt more judged. However, that experience taught me that even the people within your believed “race” put you into those stereotypical stances making …show more content…

I had animosity towards my culture and would wish I wasn’t mexican. I was applying stereotypes myself towards others, and believed I was only white. I went to schools where majority of the student body was white, and hung around only white individuals. I was raised around Italian-American culture because I was closer to my father’s side than my mother’s. My mother never spoke spanish to either my siblings or me and I wasn’t exposed to the mexican culture. However, I wasn’t white either. I focused on all the negativity and was becoming someone who I

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