
Personal Narrative: The Four Latino Speakers

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For our families with Latino roots, we had four speakers; Jesse Farias, Elia Banuelos Padron, Kathleen Cifuents Nekumanesh, and Eduardo Fabian Paramo. Indeed, Jesse, Elia, and Eduardo mention how their parents including themselves had to migrate to the United State for a better life from Mexico, Elia and Kathleen mention how their religion was Catholic, and within Elia’s family they would exhibit male supremacy with strict gender role. I was easily identified with all speakers because I am also a Latina. My parents migrated from Mexico to the United Stated for a better life to obtain the American Dream. I was happy to hear from Jesse that his dad is from Michoacan because my dad and mom’s family are from the same state. Even though I was not …show more content…

Within the four speaker, Jesse, Elia, and Eduardo mention that their family had to migrate from Mexico to the United State for a better life. Elia and Eduardo were even born in Mexico therefore had to adapt to a different life style. I was able to relate this to the context because most of them came from Mexico origin. Elia and Kathleen mention that they grew up in a Catholic religion. Zuniga (2011) explains how Spanish heritage influences most Latinos to be Roman Catholics (p.200). This related to Elia and Kathleen because due to their family’s Spanish heritage they were involve in the Catholic religion. Elia mentioned how in her family, her father always had the last word which exhibit male supremacy including strict gender roles. According to Zuniga (2011), Latino families have been known for exhibiting male supremacy and strict gender roles (p.208). For example, in Ela’s family she mentioned that women had to do what men said, giving men more power. Between her brothers and sisters there were many differences. Her brothers would be able to do many things that the girls could not and they would be able to get away with anything. Elia’s family took her divorce very hard and when she started dating again, but with her brother situation her parents did not say much. I was able to relate this the the strict gender roles that context mention because there was gender

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