
Persuasive Essay Homework

Satisfactory Essays

Has a teacher ever come to the thought about their students and realize that the students have stuff to do at home. Most students don't have any free time because they are usually busy and doing their own stuff. Kids still have to do chores at home as well as spend time with their family. There are kids that dont even have time for their family because they're always so involved in doing their homework. Some teachers give out homework everyday and even on weekend which is too much to handle. Kids should not have homework sometimes so that they can have free time and enjoy being kidd. I believe that teachers should realize that students go to school for about 7 hours or more. There are kids that have to stay after school to make up work and tests. Kids should live their life happy not stressing out because they have too much homework. Students akso stress out because they did not finish their homework in time .Stress is a common sign that can lead to sickness and a feeling overwhelmness. Spending time with family should be very important to everyone.Many kids have a lot of stuff going through their mind and homework should not be the most stressful part of their life. Homework does not really help you get better, well maybe it helps for some students but for most students it does not. Teachers believe that if you do your homework your grade will improve. Homework may help you a little but it does not because test is a huge part of students grades. Having homework everyday and spending hours on it does not gives time for students to study for their test.Test are very important for students grades and therefore students test score are low because they spend hours doing their homework. Having too much homework does not give students enough time for them to study and focus on their test. Theres times that student go home and try to do their homework and still don’t understand any of it. Teachers should be able to teach them in class and watch their students do their work at school and not have them do it at home. Its very rare that students don't have homework for at least one day. Most students have six classes and imagine how many hours students spend stressed out. Homework does not help you improve in

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