
Persuasive Essay On Charter Schools Vs. Private Schools

Decent Essays

Charter Schools vs. Private Schools

Many parents find that public schools simply do not fit their students’ needs. In such cases, parents have to research schools that will fulfill not only their students’ needs, but also their own. Some families find that Charter schools, and Private schools are the two best choices. While some students find that main stream schooling is the right option for themselves, some students find that they are not reaching their full potential at public schools. Depending on the student at hand, and the families financial situation, private or charter schools could be the right choice. After all, each student is different in what they need as a learner. A charter school is an independently run public school. Now, right away some folks see public and don’t believe that this type of school is no better than where their student already is. While some may think this, it is quite the opposite. Many charter schools are started by parents, community leaders and teachers. This being said, all charter schools are started by people that truly care about the education of the worlds future leaders. Many families find that charter schools are right for them because they are tuition free, making a better education more accessible for their student. Another upside to charter …show more content…

This being said, they are not tied to the government in the way that public schools are. Private schools hold their students to very high standards. For some students this results in a higher work ethic and generally good grades, though for other this can cause some stress. While private schools do have wonderful students, they come at a price that some families simply cannot afford. Also, lots families are looking into different avenues for schooling have children that need extra help, which can make the application process more difficult. The application process often entails interviews, essays, and

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