
Persuasive Essay On Robbie By Isaac Asimov

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Ever wonder whether robots are more reliable than humans? Are they able to do tasks that humans cannot? Are they adequate guardians for children? In the story “Robbie” by Isaac Asimov, robots are more reliable than humans. Through this paper I will examine the ways in which robots are more reliable than humans in the story, through the incorporation of an article about pediatric therapy robots. I will explain how Robbie is needed by the humans in this story, with the incorporation of an article about a robot that works alongside humans. This robot, called WorkPartner, helps humans complete tasks that they cannot do as easily as the robot could. Finally, I will examine Gloria’s relationship with Robbie and how important and irreplaceable he is in her life.
Robots are depicted as being more reliable than humans, in the story “Robbie,” they are programed to help people, to do their job, and do it well. One of the strongest examples of this in the story is when Robbie saves Gloria in the factory from being run over by an oncoming tractor. Robbie was able to do this because it was his job to take care of Gloria. He did not have to take any time to …show more content…

Gloria needs Robbie because he is her playmate, guardian, and best friend. George needs Robbie to protect and care for Gloria because his human qualities get in the way and prevent him from saving Gloria in the factory. Grace needs Robbie, whether she likes it or not, to keep Gloria happy. Her efforts to cheer her up and even buy her a dog are not adequate in making Gloria happy. Robots can be used to help humans complete jobs that they may not be able to do on their own, and may also be used as therapeutic methods for pediatric patients. In the story “Robbie,” robots are more reliable than humans because they are programmed to do their job, and are more focused on it than humans. In this story, Robbie

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