
Peta People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals

Satisfactory Essays

The organization known as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has an article on their website condemning the use of leather products. Simply titled “The Leather Industry” and accessible by typing ‘’, this article aims to show how cruelly animals are treated while their skin is being obtained to make leather. This website supports the belief that that when you buy leather you are an accessory to animal cruelty because they think that any informed person would not fund the industry while they operate in this manner. This article is primarily geared towards those who are easily swayed by slaughter pictures and have so much excess empathy that they are willing to let PETA dictate what they wear.
PETA claims that you are an accessory to animal cruelty by stating “With every pair of leather shoes that you buy, you sentence an animal to a lifetime of suffering”. They then go on to list all the ways in which animals are subjected to torture while in a slaughter house. Stella McCartney states in her video posted on the website that “our aim is not to tell you what you wear” yet clearly PETA is trying to pressure you as evidenced in the first quote. I think that PETA means well but they barrage you with all this evidence of suffering that it’s hard not to feel …show more content…

She mentions that “most leather comes from developing countries…where animal welfare laws are nonexistent”. She says that in such places cruelty towards animals’ manifests in different ways, for example in India a worker may “break cows’ tails” or “rub chili pepper into their eyes…after they collapse from exhaustion”. She goes on to use an example from the US, “In the US…animals routinely have their throats cut and some are even skinned and dismembered while they are still conscious”, to show us that cruelty is not isolated to developing countries but may be happening in our own back

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