
Polyandry: The Different Types Of Marriage In The United States

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Marriage is very common among societies. Depending on the culture, the definition and the type of marriages differ. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “Marriage is a physical, legal and moral union between man and woman in complete community life for the establishment of a family(2013).”A broader definition of marriage is that it’s ritually and socially recognized union between people who establishes rights and obligations between them.
Marriages are faced with symbolic interactionism. Interactions between spouses involves shared understandings of their arrangement( New edu). Often times husbands and wives have different ways of communicating and social class affects expectations that spouses have of their marriages (New edu). Often times, love is the basis for American marriages but it is not like that is many countries around the world. Polygyny, polyandry, monogamy, and group marriages are types of marriages that are practiced in different parts of the globe.
Polygyny is a form of marriage that one man marries multiple women. Apparently, there are two different types of polygynous marriages Sororal polygyny and Non-sororal polygyny. When the wives are invariably sisters it is know as Sororal polygyny marriage and …show more content…

This is when one WOMAN has multiple husbands. Like polygyny, polyandry has two forms; Fraternal Polyandry and non fraternal polyandry (Types of Marriages). As you would have guessed, fraternal polyandry means that several of the husbands are brothers( Types of Marriages). The husbands are not related in non-fraternal polyandry(Types of Marriages). My beliefs would not allow me to partake in this type of marriage. Not only would I feel like I was being passed around, but the fact that some would marry brothers. Isn’t that incest? When it comes to having children in an incesturist relationships, the risk are higher and that not something I would gamble with. The well- being of my child is the most important

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