
Positive And Negative Effects Of GM Crops

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Genetically Modified, or GM, crops were first designed in the mid-late 1900’s when the idea to create DNA emerged. They have proven to be genetically resistant to many diseases, leading to greater yields of crops and less manual labor. Approximately 150 million hectares of land are currently being used solely for GM plants. Farmer profits have increased by 66% and crop yields have increased by 22%. With this success rate, it might be difficult to see the negative effects of increasing the prevalence of GM Crops throughout the world and in the food supply. Although GM plants have increased the international food supply and made the process of farming more efficient, GM crops have actually decreased the biodiversity present in the world, harming the environment they inhabit and the society that depends on them. Many developing countries have have actively introduced GM plants into their agricultural sphere while many others are skeptical. Other countries are divided; though their government may approve of the use of GMO’s , many groups within the nation are in opposition for adopting them. The issue about the use of GM crops continues to remain a national issue, with each country being responsible for addressing it for their own individual nation and citizens. In the past, the United Nations has established agencies, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), to help research and address the development of biotechnology for the agricultural sector in rural areas.

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