
Presidential Election : Presidential Candidates Essay

Decent Essays

Language is a significant component for presidential candidates to win the votes of citizens. The way a person communicates or articulates his or her views can be an essential factor for people to determine whether the individual is the right person to lead a nation. Politicians must choose their words carefully and wisely to express their issues if they intend for people to trust them. The power of words is immense since it can greatly influence people. In the past few years, the United States has seen numerous of worrisome issues in which Americans are conscientiously analyzing and deciding which presidential candidate should be the next president in this year’s election. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump use various of ways to gain support. The language each candidate uses has effectively assisted the candidates in earning their respective voters. With the explanatory and argumentative methods of Hillary Clinton, she is able to interact with her voters efficiently while Donald Trump uses simplistic yet hyperbolic language to attract Americans who share a common ideology with him. Throughout Hillary Clinton’s speeches and debates, she been methodical in using her words by preserving a positive tone while communicating facts to support her ideas. For instance, in Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention, her language was generally positive. Clinton explains how the country is fundamentally in a well-off place.

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