
Privacy Issues Under Targeting Advertising

Decent Essays

Privacy Issues Under Targeted Advertising Advertising has always been an important part of our society. The history of advertising can be traced to pre-modern history when it served an important purpose by allowing sellers to effectively compete with other merchants for the attention of clients in Ancient Egypt. From 1704 when the first newspaper advertisement was announced, it gradually grows into a major force in American society based primarily on newspapers and magazines (Ad Age Advertising Century, 1999). It not only helps to raise the target demographics’ awareness of issues, but also educate consumers with the benefits of the product. However, advertising cannot target a particular person before the emerging of World Wide Web.
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Facebook has a specific page of helping the customer to refine your advertising to reach the people who matter most to your business. This indicates that most of advertisement appears on Facebook are well refined based on user’s trait.
However, targeted advertising has raised new questions on privacy since it must collect user’s information in order to publish advertisement. When a consumer visits a website, every page they view, the time spent on each page, the new pages they click on and how they interact with the server, allow browsers to collect that data. Analyzing from the technology used in behavioral targeting advertising, web browsing history will be tracked and sent to web server. In order to best select advertisements to display, data mining and machine learning theory will be implemented for analyzing users’ behavior (Korolova 2010).
Companies involved in targeted advertising also have to deal with ethical issues. According to a study conducted by JL Davis on decision making in advertising, most of advertising experts were influenced only by legal actions, while ethics contributed as the minor factor. Based on the study of Wallace Snyder, advertising ethics, especially targeted advertising, is often given little attention until the company is compelled to make a response when challenged by the law (Snyder 2008). Some consumers haven’t been aware of that their privacy are stolen. Even if consumers were aware of online

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