
Pro Choice Vs Pro Life Essay

Decent Essays

Pro-life versus Pro-choice stands as the most prominent bioethical issue in American Society today. This ongoing argument of whether an woman has the right to her body and potential child has been previously rigously debated for decades. The arguemental topic of pro life versus pro choice often dances along the topic that the government has been attempting to become callous in women’s rights as a total. I stand with women on their choice of their body, and fully believe that the government dictating the right of a female to their body is not only both morally and ethically wrong, yet also extremely contradictory. This ongoing debate rose to popularity after an unmarried, and single young woman, Ms. Roe Wade, constructed an highly well thought …show more content…

She interviewed numerous women who explained the absolute importance of a young girl and also woman having a choice in the control of her reproductive organs. This is essential for women to gather a sense of self control, in todays society, where women are experiencing extreme bias in job forces such as the military, police force, and simple corporate jobs, which are all predominantly male organizations. Growing up in a world of bias, it is vital to a young teens health, that they have a positive sense of belonging, which entitled the same amount of choice that a male has. A woman’s choice is her choice, she should chose what she wants to do with her body, and when and where she wants to do it. Stopping abortions would not only result in the sky rocketing of illegal life threatening abortions, it is also a major step back, after numerous attempts at a step foreword. The prohibition of abortion not only has a negative impact on the child, but also a negative impact on the mother forced to raise the child, especially if the mother is young and

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