
Problems And Obstacles In Say What You Will By Cammie Morgan

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Stories have different kinds of problems and obstacles and all kinds of antagonists. However, Say What You Will by Cammie Morgan takes obstacles to an entirely different level. The problems and obstacles that are faced in the book are based on not only physical disabilities but also mental disabilities. In this book there are two main characters, Amy and Matthew. Amy has a physical disability which makes her unable to do anything on her own, such as talk or even walk. She’s a very smart character and knows that there are people around her that look at her differently simply by what she has to deal with (her cerebral palsy). Matthew, on the other hand, develops OCD briefly before he begins to help out Amy. The story goes through many turns …show more content…

She felt bad about having Matthew constantly walk around with her. Amy was different but she still had friends like Chloe, Chloe had been one of Amy’s closest friends and had stayed truthful to Amy. Amy definitely has some great lines throughout the book. Her intelligence counts into the many jokes she makes. The beginning is a little slow but as the book eases to the second half, much more happens in the book. This is also the point in which Amy and Matthew’s relationship moves to something more than …show more content…

They also talk about some symbolism that Matthew sees in his dreams. For example, there was a dream that Matthew and Amy had been swimming together and Amy brings up the idea that water symbolizes sex. It was one of those moments when Matthew and Amy had a strange but hilarious conversation. Once their friendship becomes love, Amy’s parents begin disapprove of them being together. Amy’s mom is looking at Matthew as if he’s going to just get up and leave Amy and hurt her in the worst way possible. Amy’s mom tells Amy that until Matthew’s OCD is handled a bit differently then they will be able to see each other a little more often
Due to Amy’s mom’s request to stop seeing Matthew, the two teens eventually have to stop seeing each other and to get ready for college. They both know that the day they have to stop seeing each other, or their last day, is coming closer and even faster than they even knew. Amy began to pretype things that way whenever they needed to talk she wouldn’t need to spend a long time to tell Matthew something. They both want to spend more time together but they know their time is getting shorter as time

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