
Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action Essay

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Analytical Paper 3 – Affirmative Action
According to Raymond A. Noe, affirmative action is an organization’s active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group (Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 68). There are various arguments for and against affirmative action. Some believe that it gives certain groups of people an equal opportunity to find employment where they would otherwise be kicked under the rug. Others believe that even though it creates an opportunity for minority groups, the issue of reverse discrimination comes into play where once predominantly white male jobs offerings go to women and minority groups instead. The topic of affirmative action remains very controversial and …show more content…

• I know it is a big selling point for college admissions, but…
• What advantages and disadvantages do affirmative action really provide?
In order to answer these questions it is necessary to lay out the pros and cons of implementing affirmative action.
One of the most obvious key takeaways of affirmative action is the diversity that is desirable in the workplace. Students and business professionals in the workforce alike are more than likely going to work with someone of a different race or nationality. Integration and the removal of segregation laws have proven to be very influential in understanding the true character behind a person not of the same skin color or ethnicity. These characteristics would put an end to the reliance of crude stereotypes that would otherwise diminish any objectivity in the treatment of that person. In this sense, it would seem unimaginable to live without affirmative action. Otherwise, history would be prone to repeat itself. Aside from the most straightforward advantage of diversity, affirmative action also opens up new opportunities for minorities.
As a testament to the next discussion point of opportunities, especially within the realm of college admission, I have experienced firsthand the opportunities presented by affirmative action. As a low-income, first-generation college student, Virginia Tech had offered me a full scholarship based solely on merit and financial need. As a “minority” according to Virginia Tech, I had an

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