
Protestant Reformation of Christianity Essay

Decent Essays

The renaissance period marked radical changes in many fields, this includes religion. The so-called Protestant Reformation was the split within western Christian Church initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and other early Protestants. Calls for reform came form all sectors of the European society and it is this dissatisfaction that explains why the ideas of Martin Luther evoked such extreme responses, there was already a ready audience. Although there had been significant attempts at reform before Luther, the date usually given for the start of the Protestant Reformation is 1517, when Luther published The Ninety-Five Theses. As he developed his ideas, Luther gathered followers, who came to be called Protestants. The word protestant …show more content…

Several men simultaneously claimed to be the true pope. Driven by politics rather than any theological disagreement) badly damaged the prestige of the church leaders. Papal tax collection methods were also attacked, and some criticized the papacy itself as an institution. Court records, written descriptions of bishop’s visitations of parishes and even popular songs and printed images show widespread anticlericalism, or opposition to the clergy.

Much of the criticism towards the Roman Catholic Church was administrative rather than theological. In the early 16th century critics of the church concentrated their attacks on clerical immorality, clerical ignorance and clerical absenteeism. Charges of clerical immorality were aimed at a number of priests who were drunkards, neglected the rule of celibacy, gambled, or indulged in fancy dress. Charges of clerical ignorance applied to barely literate priests who delivered poor quality sermons and who were obviously ignorant of the Latin words of the Mass. In regards to absenteeism, many clerics, especially higher ecclesiastics/clergymen, held multiple offices simultaneously- a practice termed pluralism. However, they seldom visited the communities they served by the offices, let alone performed the spiritual responsibilities those offices were entailed. Instead, they collected revenues from all of the offices assigned to them and hired a poor priest

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