
Protestantism And The Protestant Reformation

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The protestant reformation began in 1517 and ended during the thirty years war, but the change and religion it brought along with it have affected society even today. Protestantism and the protestant reformation was based on an unrest against the catholic church. The corrupt catholic church had all of the control in Europe and would exploit this power every chance they got. Most of the European citizens were blind to this because they had dealt with it for so long. Though many were blind to this corruption there were some that saw every flaw that it presented like Martin Luther. Luther was a well respected author and scholar in 1500s Europe. He envisioned change in the catholic. The Protestant Reformation, and the Protestant religion has changed the lives of people during its birth, during its rise, and today.
The protest reformation began in 1517 with one man, Martin Luther. He saw many faults in the Catholic church and wanted to change this. During the origins of this revolution Luther had no sort of an idea of a religion in mind(Mark Kishlansky, Patrick Geary, and Patricia O’Brien, 393)? He simply saw how corrupt and wrong the Catholic church was and how wrongly they used their power during this time. During this time the Catholic church was selling indulgences, which according to Johnson, Matthew M. “What Are Indulgences.” An Indulgence is the remission of the temporal punishment due on account of our sins which have been already pardoned as far as their guilt is concerned. In regular terms you have to pay your way into heaven and Martin Luther wouldn’t stand for it. He went against the Catholic church and started a revolution beginning with the indulgences and then making the 95 theses which were a group of things that Luther saw wrong with the Catholic church and their use of power which he posted on the bulletin board outside of the Church. Luther refused to recant his views which caused an uproar in 1500 Europe. He was later condemned by the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire, which in this time was one of the worst things that could happen to a person being that the common ideology of the European people was that the only way to get into heaven was through the church. After this he made his own religious

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