
Pt1420 Unit 2 Assignment 2

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1. In order for the education system to change and be multiracial there are different sections where you need to work from. Starting from the curriculum structure subjects such as science and math should recognize inventors who created science and math theories. When it comes to english and history; english should allow teachers to pick their authors and subjects that they think their students will be able to enjoy while learning the standards needed for that grade. “…Educators must have knowledge of children’s live outside of school so as to recognize their strengths” (Delpit, 242). As a minority my self having teachers who gave us the options to read books where we could relate to the characters and story lines it was easier for us to actually …show more content…

Proposition 227 was a bill to allow students from foreign countries be given the most adequate help to be English Learners to help them succeed in the educational system and society. Most students who migrate to the US are places in LEP or ESL classes where they are forced to be treated less than the english speaking students. Teachers who teach these classes are not the most informed, prepared and positive teachers, instead of understanding these students struggle to learn a new language most of time they are discouraged from attending school and being seen and treated as a burden. Proposition 227 would bring in more classes for these students rather than just having a limited number of teachers leaving a big number of students who need help in learning the english language. “The students come from various socioeconomic, linguistic, cultural and educational backgrounds, and there are many of them do not fall into the high-achiever category” (Pyon, 66). Due to the lack of funding for teachers to be prepared to teach these students this proposition would also provide money to the schools as long as they would spend it for ESL.LEP students and classes, this would allow students to have a better chance to understand english and learn it in a higher rate preparing them for the regular classes and not falling behind. Since LEP/ESL classes were not seen as necessary prop 227 was able to bring students, parents and educators to see the importance in having our children to learn …show more content…

Affirmative action was a proposition to allow minorities and people of color the opportunity to be given the same chances to be accepted into hire education. This meant that they would leave a specific number of seats available for students of color to be accepted to regardless if they are less qualified than the whites. This brought various conflicts especially when students who have been used to being everything given especially education where denied admission. Most schools argued that they are accepting qualified students for their schools and most of them not looking at race as a problem when they choose. For students of color this meant that they would be given a chance to attend a college of their choice or a college that most would not picture attending. For many students who are not given the same education for primary-high school they are not prepared to be as qualified as white students who have had access to the most advanced schools, teachers and classes. This argument agrees with affirmative action which would give them a push to be at around the same level as the students who are applying with them. Even though they will most likely have trouble to accustom themselves to the difficulty of the classes that they have never taken and been part of, it will help them to work harder to understand the material to hopefully one day be at the same level of education. Once parents know that their children will be given an opportunity to be accepted to a higher

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