
Public Perceptions Of Schizophrenia As An Indication Of Mental Illness

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Throughout the many years, there have been many negative public perceptions of Schizophrenia, which is known by majority of the public as an indication of mental illness. This disorder is most of the time perceived by the public as caused by psychological factors. People with this mental illness are considered to be unpredictable and threatening (Angermeyer & Matschinger, 2003, p. 526). Most patients have a behavioural dysfunction. Victims, families and society carry a substantial burden due to this illness (Wood & Freedman, 2003). Public perceptions of Schizophrenia are mostly negative. This is due to the public being judgemental and inconsiderate about they way the patience have to deal with the mental illness. Not knowing much about the illness, they assume negative and false information about it, therefore producing stereotypes and myths such as having split personalities or being dangerous and violent (Owen, 2007). Some evidence that there are negative perceptions of Schizophrenia is “In 1998, the Royal College of Psychiatrists commissioned the Office for National Statistics to carry out a national survey of public opinions about people with mental illnesses. Negative opinions were widespread, especially in relation to people with schizophrenia, who were widely regarded as unpredictable and dangerous (Crisp, Gelder, Goddard, & Meltzer, 2005). Negative attributes of Schizophrenia are being the focal point in the media (Crisp, Gelder, Goddard, & Meltzer, 2005).

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