
Purchase Of A Digital Refraction System

Decent Essays

Goal: Incentivize the purchase of a digital refraction system as well as assist new clients in maximizing the value of their purchase

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Congratulations on your new digital refraction system! You’ve taken the next steps to grow your ophthalmic business and provide your customers with a better overall experience. This investment will pay off greatly for the years to come, building you a solid, steady additional income stream while giving your clients the high level of quality of service they’ve come to expect.

Your new digital refraction system isn’t just a tool for your exam room, though. Now that you have this piece of technology, it can be a powerful component in your practice’s marketing plan. By …show more content…

The best way for them to care is to center your pieces around your clients.

Each piece of content you publish should emphasize the relationship between your customer and the digital refraction system. HIghlighting the benefits to customers will re-frame their vision and understanding of your practice’s new purchase.
Cleaner: Not only are these systems easier to clean in the prime points of client contact than manual systems, they are easier to clean and maintain than manual systems. Fogginess or dullness on the mirror can affect the readings taken by the doctor or technician using a manual system, but a digital system removes that challenge.
More efficient: Manual phoropters require the ophthalmic professional to enter data during the pretest into the refractor and the patient’s individual charts and records. A digital refractor, though, allows professionals to synchronize each of their pieces of equipment, which makes sure each piece of equipment that will be used is pre-set to the exact specifications needed by client, as well as uploading the data to the patient’s digital records.
More streamlined: A manual refraction system requires doctors and technicians to complete a wide variety of administrative tasks to make sure that the phoroptor is ready for the client and that the numbers read are accurate and consistent. Digital systems eliminate the need for many of these processes, allow the doctors and technicians to spend more

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