
Pyramid Schemes

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Scams are happening all around us, and we often don’t even notice them. Pyramid schemes are very harmful towards investors, and are hard to watch out for unless you know exactly what they are, why they fail, the effect of the failure, common victims, how to avoid them, and how to prevent them from spreading. More individuals are hurt than are helped when dealing with these scams. Individuals should be more informed about pyramid schemes, because they can be easily disguised.
Participating in scams, will more than likely lead to a loss in money. “A pyramid scheme is a get-rich-quick business fraud that usually hurts investors in the end” (“Pyramid Schemes”). “Pyramid schemes need a constant supply of new participants in order to survive, …show more content…

These schemes can also hurt the economy because of the loans taken out to pay off for the starter kits needed to recruit new members. If the scheme collapses, individuals could fall into poverty and lose their possessions. Relationships could also be broken if people start recruiting friends and/or spouses into the scheme. Pyramid schemes have caused divorces and suicides because of the broken trust between the bonds.
Select victims are usually chosen for pyramid schemes. Individuals with certain types of personalities are more likely to get drawn into a scheme. One common target for scammers, says Swierczynski, is the “easygoing people-pleaser”. “It’s the kind of person who would rather buy an entire new sump pump system than insult a stranger” (Hobson). In this case, it pays not to be so friendly and to stand up for yourself by saying no (Hobson). Con artists are good at figuring out what pushes an individual off the edge, and they use that against him/her. Individuals, who are lonely, vulnerable, or desperate, make scamming more accessible. People in dire straits are also very vulnerable to scams (Hobson). Those who are vulnerable might have recently had a tragic death in the family or are in uncontrollable debt (Hobson). Leaders of these schemes also look for people who wear their heart and brain on their sleeve (Hobson). Individuals who talk about what’s going on in their lives with people they don’t know

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