
Racial Injustice In America

Decent Essays

Our country has a grim past marked by racial turmoil and segregation. Since the founding of this country, there has been some form of racial injustice. For example, the enslavement of Africans until 1860, the segregation of colored citizens until the rise of MLK and Malcolm X, or the racial profiling and innocent killing of young black men and women in modern times. All these examples show just how unjust and discriminated America really is. For instance, the NFL kneeling phenomenon that was heard across the country is the perfect example. This situation has been highly debated by many people for months now. Whether or not these players who are kneeling or raising a fist to the air during the national anthem are welcome to do so. Many people have mixed opinions about this. They’re people like …show more content…

NY Times states, “He is the quarterback who knelt for the national anthem before National Football League games last year as a protest against social injustice (Branch, The AoCK)”. Then they’re people like our president, Donald Trump, who states, “He or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem (Branch, NAPSbA)”. However, are players like Kaepernick unjust in expressing their feelings concerning the treatment of minorities and people of color in America? Is it not disrespectful and inhumane how those people are treated? There is a lot of troubles with racial equality in our country right now and we still have a far way to go when it comes to things like this. NY Times says, “Oppression, by any

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