
Racism In America

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Racism in America Racism, the “feelings or actions of hatred and bigotry toward a person or persons because of their race”, has always been an issue in America since its founding (Webster). Until the mid-1800’s, racism existed in the form of slavery. Africans were brought to America to be bought, sold, and traded amongst farmers and plantation owners. Oftentimes, families were separated and sold to different owners. They were forced to work endlessly and were often beaten if they failed to adequately perform their duties. After slavery was abolished, racism still continued to exist in the form of segregation. African Americans were separated from white people in nearly every way. When segregation formally ended by the 1970s, some people argued that racism was no longer relevant. In reality, however, racism has continued to exist in several forms, and ultimately remains a serious issue in present-day America.
African Americans
Racism can affect many different types of groups and ethnicities, and can present itself in several different forms. Although some believe that racism is not as prevalent in modern America, it is still a serious issue which occurs every day across the country. Until the 1950s and 1960s, racism against African Americans existed through the Jim Crow laws. Laws were passed which required them to be separated from white people in schools and on public transportation (Urofsky). They were also required to drink from separate water fountains, live in

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