
Racism : Racism And Prejudice

Decent Essays

Racism to Prejudice Racism plays a substantial part in our nations history; from slavery in the seventeenth century through the nineteenth century, to segregation in the early 1900s. The extreme racism of those days are long gone, and continue to just be a memory of the past. Although, prejudice still exists and it always will, because our brains are hardwired to prefer one race to another. That being said; a white person that grows up in an all white neighborhood who also attends an all-white school will very well prefer white people. Same goes for other races as well. But why do we think this way? How does our brain distinguish race and why do we prefer one group of people over another? I have gathered some evidence as to why we think this way and why our brains process racial differences the way they do. People learn racial biases from the day they are born. “In one study, 3-month-old white infants were shown photos of faces of white adults and black adults; they preferred faces of whites. For 3-month-old black infants living in Africa, it was the reverse.” Kristof, Nicholas “Our Biased Brains” New York Times. At about age four kids are already making judgements on the difference between races. The most prominent deviation between races spurs between whites and blacks; which is also a big part of Americas history. Whites could legally own African American slaves for three centuries, and when they could no longer do that the whites segregated them. Blacks could not drink

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