
Reconstruction Dbq

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With government fraud, terrorism in the south, and phony prejudiced northers, do you believe they had something to do with the ending of the reconstruction era. The reconstruction era began after the civil war happened to repair the south from the "lost cause" from the north. Many southerns lost their way of life, husbands/fathers, and economy. Many former slaves and poor illiterate whites needed help with writing and finding jobs leading many northers called carpetbaggers who came to enrich themselves and take advantage of the problems in the south while getting help from the Republicans they helped them gain their political rights by letting them hold office angering many white men and making them create the KKK to intimidate blacks trying …show more content…

With carpetbaggers and scalawags taking advantage of the finical situation in the south and poor illiterate black and poor white farmers not having anywhere to go with no education, many laws were made to help them gain rights in the south by giving them these rights many started to become separate by supporting Democrats which was ran on white supremacy for those who believed African Americans shouldn't be involved with political ideas and Republicans who believed they were equal and should hold the same rights as …show more content…

When black people became republican senators or political leaders in government many whites thought that black people weren't fit to be in government until they fully understand and get the right education. An article named the Boston Evening Transcript talked about how "that “the blacks, as a people, are unfitted for the proper exercise of political duties" claiming that they can be considered as people but cannot be a political leader because they never had the right education of holding office. Northerners became less concern about blacks and more focused on the right people to hold the government in place since black people were just former slaves, they should hold out on the chance of running as governors considering they have no proper

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