
Reflection-Leg Ulcers

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Reflecting Writing
Leg ulcers

Reflecting on the situation that had taken place during my second placement working in the community. This will give me the perfect opportunity to develop and utilise my commutation skills in order to maintain the relationships with my patient. In this reflection, I am going to use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988). Baird and Winter (2005,) give some reasons why reflection is require in the reflective practice. They state that a reflect is to generate the practice knowledge, assist an ability to adapt new situations, develop self-esteem and satisfaction as well as to value, develop and professionalizing practice. However, Siviter (2004) …show more content…

Van Toller (1994) noted that malodour associated with skin ulceration can lead to serious psychological problems, ranging from general depression to becoming a virtual social outcast.

The community nurses had actively encouraged Mrs. Smith to re-establish social interactions with old friends. However, Young (2005) observed that patients can interpret this type of encouragement as a lack of understanding by nurses of the effect that their condition is having on their life. Wilkes et al (2003) conducted a qualitative study on the effect of malodour on nurses and found that adverse feelings such as nausea were common. However, nurses hide these emotions from their patients to protect the patients' feelings.
The community nurses decided that they needed to talk to Mrs. Smith about the odour and involve her in selecting a dressing product that was designed to alleviate or reduce the problem. The assessment identified that the wound was infected with beta-haemolytic streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus and a two-week course of systemic antibiotics was prescribed.
Wound odour is often a complication of bacterial infection and the presence of infection explained why Mrs. Smith had experienced a worsening of the odour in recent weeks (Hack, 2003).
Odour is subjective and is difficult to quantify accurately (de Laat et al, 2005). The wound assessment tool we used incorporates a crude odour tick chart using the categories 'offensive',

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