
Reflection Of Casablanca

Better Essays

Throughout the term I have begun experiencing movies in a different way. The class has taken ideas of cinematography, theory, and film history and practically applied it to physically watching movies. By breaking down scenes and movies as a whole, the way I look at films in general has developed. A reflection on two of the films from this term, Casablanca (Curtiz, 1942) and North by Northwest (Hitchcock, 1959) will carry the bulk of the essay. Though, I will also be discussing how this class changed the way I saw a movie just a few weeks ago. Casablanca’s script and acting are of particular caliber, and North by Northwest unfortunately does not deliver with the dialogue and casting of lead actor Cary Grant. Though, overall, they both …show more content…

On the other hand, North by Northwest is not nearly as good a movie (though that is a subjective opinion). It does not appear to be as well-crafted as other classic films, not to mention other Hitchcock films. The worst offender during this movie is the dialogue writing. Not only is it particularly cringe worthy in regard to how it characterizes women, but it does not sound believable throughout the film. Contrasted to Casablanca, it is not as strong of a narrative. Not only that, but a feminist reading of the film in any way is going to pick apart the storyline for Eve, as well as the dialogue surrounding her character. The secretary is also poorly characterized. Both are not new for female characters in classic films, but North by Northwest’s characterization of the two was particularly poor to me. The story feels like it ends right before the climax, rushes to finish with resolution, and gets confusing in certain areas. Compared to Hitchcock’s other work, like Psycho or Rear Window, this movie has characters that are flat, and a story that is confusing. Additionally, the acting was not good enough to carry the script either. Cary Grant did not sell his character to me, and that was disappointing. I simply could not invest in the character, which is what the entire narrative was asking. The supporting cast is also exceedingly forgettable. So much so I cannot speak about them in this paper because I have zero

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