
Reflection: Smarter Measure Discussion Questions

Decent Essays

Smarter Measure Reflection My highest scoring areas with the Smarter Measure personality quiz were Prioritization and Scheduling, each scoring four stars. Prioritizing is recognizing the importance of each task. Schedules help you stay on time and prevent procrastination. My second highest scoring areas, with three stars, were Goal Setting and Managing Interruptions. Goal Setting only requires a “little time and effort...” and “saves an enormous amount of time, effort and frustration in the future” (How Good Is Your Time Management?). Managing Interruptions is simply the ability to minimize interruptions so that you can achieve the optimum amount of work. Finally, my lowest scoring area, with only one star, was procrastination. Procrastination is simply putting off doing something that needs to be done. …show more content…

In order to fix and/ or improve this area, I will have to practice better time management skills. One way to do this is to make a to do list. Anytime that I have work to do, I can create of list of the tasks I need to accomplish; the most important at the top and least important on the bottom of the list. Another way to better my time management is to do tasks immediately. This automatically eliminates procrastination from the entire situation. A final way of crushing procrastination is to schedule when I am going to do a job. If I stick to the schedule, then I am guaranteed to finish my work in time. My second lowest areas, scoring three stars, were Goal Setting and Managing Interruptions. To improve my goal setting, I can set explicit, attainable short-, mid-, and long-term goals. Furthermore, to decrease interruptions, I can do homework project with earbuds in, or in a room by

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