
Reflective Essay On Search For Evidence

Satisfactory Essays

The aim of this reflection is to illustrate the methods and techniques that I have used to search for evidence to base my group presentation work. With the evidence used during the presentation, it would also help me to provide articles which I can use it for my ‘’Folder of evidence’’. For the group presentation, I had to work together as a team with my group members and gather sources on the topic ‘’Organisational aspects of care’’ which is related to ‘’The Essential Skills Clusters’’ (NMC, 2010). Additionally, I had to choose two articles which were collected during the presentation work relating to the same topic and write both of their summaries and give a critical analysis. In order to systematically search for the evidence, I used secondary sources such as websites, books, academic journal articles, online policies and legislations. I was also able to get support from my tutors and group members to get ideas on what key areas to look for while searching for evidence on the related topic. This helped me to gain more confidence in accomplishing both group work as well as the assignment.

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