
Reflective Essay: What I Learned In My Writing Class

Decent Essays

Everyone changes, no matter the time. It could be a day to day change, month to month, even a year to another year. One may not realize it, but they still change no matter what. It could be from losing weight to thinking a different way about a certain subject. Nevertheless, the writer I was before this class, and the writer that I am now are completely different writers. Before this class started, I thought that I was a rather exceptional writer. In previous writing assignments, I would do them the night before and would get a good grade on the writing, not realizing how bad the essay actually was. I rarely checked my grammar, or would hardly ever put my paper into Google Translate. It was extremely uncommon for me to change the words in my writing do to the fact that I was extremely stubborn when it came to my writing style. Consequently, it came to the conclusion that I used the writing process, but I would always skip the revising step. Before this class, I thought that I had a really good writing style, but taking this class I realized that I was wrong about being an excellent writer. …show more content…

Again before this class, my word choice was rather horrible. I used many dead words and did not even realize the amount of dead words that I was actually using in all of my papers. By taking this class, I realized that I needed to step-up my word choices, so I started using thesaurus’, put my paper into Grammarly, and began to use Google Translate more often. Resulting from this class, I now take more than just a day to write a paper, and I actually work from the day it is assigned to the day it is due. This class has taught me how to become a better writer, not use dead words, and make sure that I am completely satisfied with my writing before I turn it

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