
Reign Of Terror DBQ

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A giant crowd stands packed together in a square eagerly watching a guillotine blade fall. They chant a name, the name of a man grabbing a decapitated head by the hair and swinging it around for all to see with a morbid grin on his face. This man’s name is shouted in the streets, making him famous for his violent acts. The people have turned into a pack of wolves only craving the next kill, the next bloodshed. This brutal time during French history was spearheaded by Maximilien Robespierre following the overthrow of the French monarch King Louis XVI. The people of France despised their absolute monarch because of the bankruptcy of the government, his continued overspending, and the unfair tax laws he established. The savage period of time …show more content…

The Reign of Terror defeated counterrevolutionaries and external forces like Austria and Prussia. In December of 1793, “[the] counterrevolution in western France is near collapse”, and in April and May of 1794, “[the] French victory over foreign enemies is nearly complete” (Doc A). The monarchy was destroyed along with its internal and external supporters. France had taken their government into their own hands and controlled opposing ideas through the Reign of …show more content…

The goal of the French Revolution was to change the governmental structure from a monarchy to a democracy and that government was to spread their democratic ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity (Doc B). However, people in the Vendée region were thrown off of boats and drowned for opposing the revolution (French Revolution - History Channel documentary). An important part of democracy is freedom of speech, the idea that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. With displays of violence, the government sent the message that only those in support of the revolution could speak their mind. Additionally, one major complaint of the people in France was that the King had too much power; yet, a court of justice called the revolutionary Tribunal was established to try all crimes against the state, and the members would not be elected. Instead they were “appointed by the National Convention (the revolutionary government) and their power would be absolute” (Doc E). So while the leaders ‘established’ a system in which the people could decide what they want and who they want in authority, only a small group of people decided the fate of thousands. Furthermore the very leader of the revolution claimed that in order to create a democracy, they had to act as a dictatorship. In a speech to the National Convention, Robespierre said, “We must finish the war of

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