
Reign Of Terror Dbq

Decent Essays

Reign of Terror Essay: Final Draft
Calvin H.
Period 7
The Reign of Terror seemed to be the only thing that could help achieve some sort of equality between the Three Estates. Before the Reign of Terror, the Third Estate was the most financially unstable out of all three estates. Despite this, they were the only one burdened with the mandatory payment of taxes. Due to Louis XVI’s constant spending and a horrible drought, food prices rose and the entire country was deep in debt, with the Third Estate struggling more and more at every occasion he carelessly gave out currency. With no other options, people decided to take up arms against the Revolution. Every riot or problem that revolutionaries caused was most likely justified in some way because their needs were never accounted for. The Reign of Terror was justified. …show more content…

Document D states that without the assistance of the National Convention, western France “would today have fallen to the rebels”. The idea of equality is what fueled the Reign of Terror, and without it, this idea would have never become reality. Robespierre pushed to make France a constitutional republic and forgot the practices of a monarch ruler. Of course, Third Estate immediately supported this belief due to their constant mistreatment by the monarch of the time, Louis XVI. The Reign of Terror ultimately gave the Third Estate an escape from a continuous barrage of taxes and other things, which would have gotten worse if Louis XVI stayed in a position of

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