
Renaissance And Reformation Similarities

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Renaissance and Reformation
People began to feel a consciousness of their past, they no longer settled for the status quo. As a result, there was a desire to rediscover knowledge in various disciplines, and to expand on them. The renaissance was a period of broadening knowledge. It was a time of rebirth in human existence, a time of new discoveries. It was an era in which the feudal system declined, invention and application of: paper, printing, the mariner’s compass, and gunpowder began. The Renaissance was a revival of classical art.
Why is it important? This era taught us to look back upon our past for support. The Renaissance connects our past, our present, and our future together. New beliefs came into sight and suddenly …show more content…

It set structures and the beliefs for the modern era we know today. A period in which the papal authority was challenged and questioned.
Why is it important? The Protestant Reformation was a time period that changed Christianity. During this era, the Pope was considered the ultimate authority and not the king. Life revolved around the church. After the movement, kings became the ultimate source of power once again. Without this change, the Catholic Church might still be in control today.
Martin Luther rejected several teachings and practices of the church. He believed that freedom from sin didn’t have to be bought. Luther proposed his discussion of the usefulness of the indulgences in his 95 theses in 1517. In 1520, he refused to retract his writings by the commands of Pope Leo X and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, at the Diet of Worms in 1521. He was excommunicated by the pope and condemned as an outlaw by the emperor. John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, believed in absolute dominance of God in salvation of the human soul from death and eternal sentence. He wrote many commentaries on most books in the Bible and created a lot of controversy. Calvin helped reform the church in Geneva. His spent his final years promoting reformation throughout

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