
Res351 Week 2 Individual Essay

Decent Essays

Youth Research, Inc. RES/351 Youth Research, Inc. In January of 2010, Tampa Bay Online published an article stating that Youth Research, Inc. had defrauded federal regulators in the company’s safety testing reports. The article claimed that Youth Research, Inc. had been hired by various lighter manufacturers between 1994 and 2005 to conduct child safety tests on the lighters (Silvestrini, 2010). The Consumer Products Safety Commission noticed inconsistencies on reports submitted by Youth Research, Inc. on testing of lighters’ safety features. The reports submitted by the company used the same children with different dates of birth, genders and schools listed in different studies conducted by the company. The article further …show more content…

Each lighter that had been approved due to research reports provided by Youth Research had their approval from the Consumer Products Safety Commission pulled and were required to retest their products before they would be allowed in the U.S. market again. At least one lighter company went bankrupt during the process. The loss of sales during retesting and awaiting approval from the commission coupled with the cost to have testing conducted (it is reported that Ms. Forcade charged fifteen thousand dollars for each test) again is not a small loss for lighter companies (Silvestrini, 2010). Also victimized by Youth Research are the millions of consumers who purchase lighters with safety features. Safety features in lighters were required ‘after research showed children under the age of 5 playing with cigarette lighters had ignited an average of 5,900 residential fires resulting in 170 deaths and 1,150 injuries each year between 1986 and 1988’ according to Tampa Bay Online reporter Silvestrini in her 2010 article. Considering the need for safety features that are reliable in lighters, altering reports to skew the results of safety tests could have put many people and households in danger. Since Youth Research’s unethical research techniques came to light, Youth Research has gone defunct. Four of Youth Research’s employees,

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