
Research Paper On Greek Civilization

Decent Essays

The Greek Civilization was one of the greatest ancient civilizations to spring up. Though it faced many trials and tribulations, the ancient Greeks were a center of trade, economic development, and technological advancements. The success of the Greeks to construct such a flourishing culture was largely due to the area in which their civilization was located. The Greek Civilization began in a coastal, mountainous region. The regions soil is stony, so much of the land was only good for the pasturing of livestock; however, there were places that were suitable for planting crops, such as olives. The mountains and the sea were a great form of natural protection, creating a barrier between them and potential invaders. The sea gave the Greeks a fast …show more content…

The Mycenaeans were the first Greek speaking culture to pop up in the region surrounding the Aegean Sea. They developed a written language using the Greek alphabet. The written language was not used to keep their historical records, but rather they show a complex form of documentation and record keeping of goods that flowed into and out of their cities. These detailed records show the complex system of regional collection and distribution that made up the economy of the Mycenaeans. Internal warfare and riots from the peasant class would eventually lead to the downfall of the Mycenaeans. The next few hundred years would come to be known as the “Dark Age” in Greek …show more content…

From these conflicts rose many different forms of new government. Sparta would become dominated by a prevailing military regime; while Athens would become a more moderate aristocratic government, one that would eventually be replaced by Cleisthenes’ form of democracy. The ancient Greeks only experienced major external invasions be the Persian Empire. The first Persian war happened when Darius I sent a small force to punish the Greeks. This force was easily defeated by the Athenian General Miltiades. Years later, Darius’ successor, Xerxes, would mount a full-scale invasion of Greece. Xerxes led a much larger force, looking to conquer and subjugate the Greek city-states. This would bring forth an alliance between the Greek city-states under the premise of defending their land and driving off the Persian invaders. The exiting of Sparta from this alliance at the conclusion of the war gave way for Athens to rise as the power which controlled the alliance. This gave Athens control of much of the coast, and allowed them to control and build up great commercial power. This would lead to the creation of the Athenian Empire. Athens would hold power until war breaks out between them and Sparta. Athens would eventually fall to Sparta with the defeat of her navy at

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