
Rhetorical Analysis On Texting

Decent Essays

Cullington’s introduction is well-written the way she is describing when and where texting is coming in handy. This captures the reader’s attention and the eager in reading more to find out what Cullington is talking about. The essay contains information on the different perspective of texting. Cullington did not agree or disagree directly but used research of her own and discussed what her finding was. “My research suggests that texting actually has a minimal effect on student writing” (367). This is how she disagreed that texting has no effect in writing. Her line of reasoning was all the research she did with different groups, not just teenagers. She disagreed and explained her reasons why. “You also have to offer a persuasive reason …show more content…

Why? Because Google is used on a daily basis multiple times. The way Carr used voice markers to keep the reader on track on who is saying what. The way he integrated information of what also other have to say and back up his opinion of Google. His essay is smooth to read and focus on what his is trying to point out. The way he captures the reader by having provided a variety of evidence on how Google has an effect on people. Car effectively used the template of “yes, but” when responding to an argument. If the essay is analyzed closely, we can see that his first paragraphs are about what Car thinks by the word “I” that is used often. After his sixth paragraphs, he starts supporting his perception by incorporate voice markers, quotes, “they say”, and research evidence. Without any evidence to support our point, the essay will not be credible and this is not the case. Car demonstrated well-written statements and agreeing and disagreeing simultaneously. Many examples helped Car and his credibility on his essay making it really engaging and wanting to read …show more content…

The essay is well-structured and provides many examples and claims of other people that even professors where interviewed. Texting is very popular among kids, teenagers, and adults and there are many viewpoints on texting. Cullington can be a model for a writer by the way he used his own research and methods to explore more points of view from different ages on texting. He is engaging others in the discussion to make it more interesting. Cullington did write about what groups on the contrary argument had to say about texting and this may have responded back to the critics. “the more you give voice to your critic’s objections. the more you tend to disarm, those critics. especially if you go on to answer their objection sin convincing ways” (79). Cullington not only supported his point of view with what other’s had to say but also interviewed those that opposed the argument. Within the title of the essay, there were other titles differ anting the opinions and having evidence to both sides of a point of views such as interviews and research. He anticipated objections by discussing them. “If you don't’ entertain counterarguments, you may very likely come across as close-minded, as you think your beliefs are beyond dispute” (80). Cullington had many things to say about the counterarguments of texting and how each individual or groups had their concerns about texting. There was full support for both points of view making capturing the

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