
Rib Cage Pain Research Paper

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Rib cage pain may be sharp, dull, or achy pain felt at and below the chest and above the navel on either side. It may occur after an obvious injury or without explanation.

Rib cage pain can be caused by anything from pulled muscles to a rib fracture. This pain may occur immediately upon injury, or develop slowly over time. It can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so you should report any instance of unexplainable rib cage pain to your doctor immediately.

Causes of Rib Cage Pain
The most common causes of rib cage pain are a pulled muscle or bruised ribs. Other causes of rib cage pain are:

broken ribs injuries to the chest rib fracture diseases that affect the bones, such as osteoporosis inflamed lining of the lungs muscle spasms inflamed rib cartilage
How Is Rib Cage Pain Identified? …show more content…

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