
Rickets Disease

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Rickets/Osteomalacia is a disorder involving the softening and weakening of a child’s bones, primarily caused by lack of vitamin D and or lack of calcium or phosphate. According to The Mayo Clinic, vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract. A deficiency of vitamin D makes it difficult to maintain proper calcium and phosphorus levels in bones, which can cause rickets. Adding vitamin D or calcium to the diet will generally correct the bone problems associated with rickets. Rickets should not be a single minded focus regarding a child’s diagnosis, but other underlying medical treatment would be needed. Some skeletal deformities caused by rickets may require corrective surgery.”
The symptom …show more content…

A mother who is in the post-nursing of child birth, might experience a vitamin D deficiency disorder. According to National Organization for Rare Disease, “rickets is rare in the United States, children who are dark skinned and living in cloudy northern cities as well as children on restricted diets due to cultural or religious beliefs are more likely to develop this disorder. Rickets is more common in regions of Asia where there is a lack of daylight and/or low intake of meat due to a vegetarian diet. Northern Yemen and Kuwait are also areas where Vitamin D deficiency rickets are prevalent due to lack of exposure to the sun because of cultural …show more content…

Recent analysis show that hospitalization rates for rickets has reach an high in other countries. Many modern clinicians in developed countries have little experience in management of the condition on rickets. Benjamin Jacob wrote Is Single Oral Dose of 300,000 IU D3 Adequate for Treatment “The study published in this issue helpful in highlighting the efficacy of a simple single dose regimen and show that the lower dose of 300,000 units is not inferior to double this dose.(Jacob) In the study many children are treated with the same dose by intra muscular injection which is painful. The practice of the injecting with vitamin D should stop rickets associated with severe malabsorption and where even high oral doses are

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