
Right Or Natural Pleads For Independence Essay

Decent Essays

From the Sugar Act to the Townshend Acts, colonists were getting zero say in Parliament despite their civil efforts. There was only one choice left- a choice that would set them on the road to independence. The colonists separated from Britain with good reason. They were getting no say in Parliament, the British had been killing many without reason in the Boston Massacre, and the distance between America and Britain is so large, that there was no sense in one controlling the other. The colonists were undoubtedly justified in becoming Patriots and seeking independence from Britain. The colonists were right to separate from Britain because they were getting no say in Parliament. When the Stamp Act of 1765, a law requiring all legal and commercial …show more content…

It made no sense that with those countries so far apart, one would own the other. When looking at just the colonies, one might say that Georgia was the most “out of the loop”, because they were so far away from the rest of the colonies. This same logic applies for America and England, except in this case, the distance is exponentially larger. This being said, it was completely nonsensical that Britain would own, and be in control of the colonists. “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine was a pamphlet written to convince colonists that a break was needed from Britain. One point Paine makes in his writing is that “Everything this is right or natural pleads for separation” (“Common Sense”). This means that in the eyes of Paine, all the events that had been happening have just been signs telling the colonists “Tis time to part”. Within this same document, Paine states that “Even the distance which Almighty had placed England and America is strong and natural proof that the authority of one over the other was never the design of heaven” (“Common Sense”). Here Paine is saying that the natural distance between the two places is reason enough that it is unreasonable that one would control the other. With the vast area between to the two lands comes bad communication and lack thereof. For this reason, colonists were indeed justified in wanting independence and

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