
Rome Vs Athens Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Why Rome has a Better Citizenship System than Athens Rome and Athens were both superpowers during their time and paved the way for modern day western culture. There were a few things that Rome did better though including their citizenship system. The following reasons are why Rome’s citizenship system works better than Athens’. Firstly the Romans allowed a higher number of people to become citizens. The next reason is that Rome made sure that their citizens were playing a role in society. Lastly the Romans had a more organized and efficient senate than that of the Athenians. The first reason why Rome’s citizenship system was better than Athens’ is because they accepted more people as citizens. In document A it shows who could be allowed to become a citizen in both Athens and Rome. Rome allowed all people except slaves to become citizens while Athens only allowed free native born adult males to become citizens. Rome was a lot more lenient when giving citizenship which is probably one reason they boasted a population of 45,000,000. The second reason …show more content…

Documents E and F both describe both the Athenian and the Roman assemblies and senates. The Athenian assembly was much less reliable compared to Rome’s for two reasons, its size and how it was chosen. Athens assembly was made up of every citizen which counted to about 40,000 men. This would make choosing one option very difficult amongst all the citizens since they all have different opinions; also leaders of the assembly were chosen by random lot and that could pave the way towards rigging and that would allow for a non-trustworthy person to lead 40,000 people on one decision. The Roman senate was more efficient compared to the Athenian one because it only had 300 members; these members were also very high ranking officials who belonged to some of the oldest Roman families making them more

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