
Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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“Love always overcomes hate, but love’s effects and hate’s effects are no different in magnitude.” -Anonymous. No one ever doubts the power of love or the power of hate. For as long as time has existed people have loved and people have hated. Strong emotions persuade everyone to act on their inhibition. Everyone wants to be a hero in every situation whether it be trying to save someone or the simple act of finding a winning lottery ticket. These actions are what lead to love overcoming hate even if they are the simplest of acts. The mistake people make is them trying to hard to be the hero. This leads to one traveling great lengths to achieve their goals, but at what cost. Throughout Shakespeare’s most famous play, Romeo and Juliet, his main …show more content…

This quote exhibits two important qualities of love. One, it portrays the marvelous side of love that everyone strives to obtain. Two, it shows the lousy and often overlooked side of love. It does this by describing love as smoke. If the smoke clears, the lovers are entranced in each other’s love. If not, it leads to tears or in other words sadness. On a basic level, Shakespeare shows one that depending on how one treats love it will lead that person to either great happiness and prosperity, or despair and grief. Based on these conclusions, by putting this message so early in the book he foreshadows the later sadness throughout the book that Romeo and Juliet’s love will cause. In order for Romeo and Juliet’s love to conquer the hate, they have to watch for the unpleasant repercussions of their love that may strain their relationship. Moreover, another way Shakespeare demonstrates Romeo and Juliet’s heartwarming relationship is by showing some of the later consequences their relationship causes. Shakespeare shows some of these ramifications when Juliet’s closest family members find out that Juliet is dead, Lord Capulet states, “Death, that hath ta’en her hence to make me wail, Ties up my tongue and will not let me speak” (Shakespeare, 201) This quote displays the sadness that Juliet has caused to her family. Her dad overwhelmed with sadness, can’t cry because as a father, Lord Capulet’s only will to live was for Juliet. The reason Juliet fakes her death is to be with Romeo. In her mind, her love for Romeo is more important than anything else. Juliet’s disregard for how her actions may affect others demonstrates ignorance on her part. Her stupidity leaves everyone in her family hurting and begging for mercy. Despite overcoming the hate for her relationship by finding an otherwise ingenious solution to the problem. It leads to other problems. Consequently, everyone’s lives are now worse, because Juliet

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