
Romeo And Juliet Who's To Blame Analysis

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In the tragedy of 'Romeo and Juliet' there are many characters at fault for the sad outcome. Three main people are to blame above all others, however. Lord Capulet, the nurse, and Friar Laurence are the most responsible for the untimely deaths of the lovers, Paris, Mercutio, and Tybalt. Although they did not intentionally kill the youths their actions led to the murders and suicides of these characters. It was Lord Capulet's original plan to let Juliet decide whether or not she would marry Paris. This changed however, after the death of her cousin Tybalt. Because of his hatred for Lord Montague and his kin, Juliet was afraid to tell her father about her love and marriage to Romeo. His scolding after she refused to marry Paris only worsened …show more content…

After Romeo's banishment and the wedding with Paris was set the nurse encouraged Juliet to marry paris, this caused Juliet to lose trust in the nurse. Instead of informing Lord Capulet about his daughter's marriage she kept it secret. She helped set the date for the wedding and acted as messenger between the two lovers. The wedding never would have happened without Friar Laurence, he married them in secret without the parent's permission. it was his plan to fake Juliet's death, he even gave her the sleeping potion. He didn't encourage them to talk their parents instead without necessarily meaning to he discouraged them to go to their parents. After finding Romeo and paris dead in the crypt and informing Juliet that the love of her life was dead, he left her alone in the crypt to do as she willed. Fate pulled the strings so that these two lovers met but it was in the end actions of a few people who brought them to suicide. Lord Capulet only wanted what he thought was best for his daughter, in the end he helped usher her to an early grave. The nurse wanted juliet to be happy, but unfortunately lost her trust before losing her. Friar Laurence had the biggest hand in the tragedy that claimed so many lives, he may have seemed like the archetype of the wise, old man but he acted ignorantly. The lives of these two star-crossed lovers were guided by fate but ruled by these three

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