
Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay

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A Taste of Shakespeare - 'Romeo and Juliet'
William Shakespeare is widely known for all of his literary works; one of his most famous love tragedies being 'Romeo and Juliet'. A Shakespearean definition of tragedy exemplifies the sense that human beings are inevitably doomed through their own failures or errors, the ironic action of their virtues, or even through the nature of fate and destiny (Sayour, Susan, 2007). Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale based on two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. Throughout the play, Shakespeare intentionally draws on text structures and language features in order to replicate the attitudes, values and beliefs of Elizabethan audiences and intertwine it into his …show more content…

However, Juliet soon stumbles upon her fate when she finally meets Romeo and instantly falls in love with him, despite him being the son of her family's enemy. Shakespeare's text structure depicts Juliet as someone who is reckless, and does not stop long enough to evaluate the full consequences of her actions. "Farewell!—God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins. That almost freezes up the heat of life. I’ll call them back again to comfort me. — Nurse!—what should she do here" (4:3:14-18). Shakespeare uses paradox, hyperbole, apostrophe and oxymoron to convey the violence of emotions in Romeo and Juliet as also the 'sweet lyricism of young passionate love' (Albertan A, 2003). His clever use of dramatic structure enables the audience to switch between comedy and tragedy to heighten the tension, leading up to the heartrending climax. "O, look! Methinks I see my cousin's ghost Seeking out Romeo that did spit his body, upon a rapier's point: — stay, Tybalt, stay!" (4:3:19-21). This apostrophe is a solitary example of the establishment of tragedy within the play, showing how two star-crossed lovers have a destiny with death.
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is undeniably one of the most eminent tales of tragedy ever written. Act 4, Scene 3 has ingeniously demonstrated how the plot and themes, and characterization

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