
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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In Friar Laurence’s soliloquy duality is present in almost the whole passage. It helps show the development of the foreshadowing of both Romeo and Juliet’s fate of their death. Mostly the duality shown is light vs. dark and good vs. evil duality, but other smaller hints of other duality themes are shown as well. Through these additions to the test, Shakespeare is able to better portray the development of themes in the following scenes. This passage contains a large amount of symbolism and imagery as well, constantly referring to the herbs and plants as Friar is looking in the field. But while there are two different duality examples, they are connected by how they both represent the overall good and bad present in the novel. This duality connects to the particular theme of the inevitability of fate. While fate is not always a bad thing, Friar Laurence sets it up as seemingly bad and almost evil, “And where the worser is predominant,” (II.iii.29) He remarks earlier in that passage as well that nothing cannot be put to both good and bad uses, so he overall is saying that the fate at the moment is seemingly evil, but that Romeo and Juliet can turn the situation around to make it look better than it does. Going back the line about how the bad usually takes control, in the way that the two lovers are handling the situation, they only see it as bad and not the good that it has the ability to be. Duality revels that the Friar’s character is wise and mature in comparison to Romeo

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