
SGMT 6250 SYLLABUS Winter 2015

Satisfactory Essays

SGMT 6250 X 3.00: Strategy Execution Course Outline January 4, 2015 Fall 2014 Subject to Revision Section X: Wednesdays 7:00–10:00pm, beginning Jan. 14, 2015 SSB E112 Instructor Assistant JoAnne Stein Professor Willow Sheremata N305B N305F Seymour Schulich Building (416) 736‐5087 (416) 736‐5087 Office hours: by appointment Prof. Sheremata is a tenured associate professor who specializes in strategy formulation and execution as well as the management of technology and innovation. She has taught at …show more content…

Case discussions apply these concepts and tools to real‐life situations. Throughout, students learn how to integrate and apply established knowledge about the components of implementation. Upon the completion of this course, students should have a greater understanding of the difficulty of strategy execution and the tools managers can use to make strategy happen. As the title of the textbook indicates, this course is about “making strategy work.” Using this case‐based approach, this course is designed to help students attain the following objectives:  Acquire science‐based knowledge relevant to the problem of strategy implementation. What do we know about strategy execution? Which organizational structures and processes help firms

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