
Sacrifice In The Poisonwood Bible

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It has often been said that what people value can be determined only by what they sacrifice. Imagine a family up and leaving the home they’ve known for years and moving thousands of miles away to a remote village in Africa. How would they feel? What would they bring with them? These are all questions the Price family had when they decided to move to
Kilanga, a village in The Congo. In The Poisonwood Bible, we first meet Orleanna, wife and mother of four, who was born in Jackson, Mississippi during the Great Depression. Even though, the depression era wasn’t that good for America, she was given as normal of a life as possible.
Daughter of an optometrist, she had a good family which gave her a strong sense of family and commitment. Orleanna sacrificed a lot during her years on Earth, …show more content…

“We came from Bethlehem,
Georgia, bearing Betty Crocker cake mixes into the jungle.” (13) They are forced to leave half of their belongings behind and only take what they thought they would need. The Price family never expected for The Congo to be the way it was so of course they bought what their materialistic lifestyle needed them to in order to live the way they were used to. “Where we are headed there will be no buyers and sellers at all” (13) With them they bought mirrors, sewing kits and betty crocker cakes, instead of first aid kits, drinkable water and medicine for the diseases Africa is known to have. This odd sacrifice of The Price family to only pack materialistic things instead of realistic things shows the reader just how prepared they really were. “The bare minimum, for my childrenshe’d declare under her breath, all the livelong day.”
The Price family was uprooted from their home by the means of their anal father and husband, Nathan Price. The whole family made sacrifices during this transition to The

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