
Safe Haven Play Character Analysis

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Character traits are an important part to understanding or getting to know the characters and how they contribute to the story. Knowing a certain character’s traits or personality can help you to relate to the character or to understand why they may act how they do. In the book Safe Haven, the main character is named Katie. Katie is one of those characters who has many different character traits. She is good at staying positive, courageous, and very intelligent. These three characteristics contribute to a lot of the main points of the story. First, Katie is good at staying positive. Throughout the story, Katie encounters many difficult and harmful situations. Her past is full of sadness and horrible memories. When she was only nineteen, she lost both of her parents to a horrific car accident. After that happened, Katie found a husband, Kevin, who loved her for about the first year of their marriage, but as time …show more content…

Let’s face it, her husband was a maniac. He beat her. He abused her. He said he loved her, but then he would throw punches at her. He never let her do anything for herself. It is absolutely ridiculous. In the story it says, “One time I tried to run away, but it was cold and I had nowhere else to go, so I called Kevin to come pick me up. At first, he treated me with love and affection, but then, only moments later, I was being slapped so hard his hand was bruising.” Katie is courageous because even for as long as she put up with that kind of treatment, she finally realized that she needed to get out of his life and found the nerve to run away. Katie did admit that she was scared at the time, but she took herself to a place where the only trouble she had to deal with is whether Kevin will find her. She is also courageous because she while she was at this new place, called Southport, which is miles away from Kevin, she was able to meet two very kind people and she was able to open up and let her guard down

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